Sleep proudly in our history,
go proudly to your rest,
For you were not the traitor here,
to that we do attest.
The traitor was the serpent,
who organised your death,
And we spit upon her legacy,
with our ageing broken breath.
No more will we disturb you now,
the last of us is gone,
But our memories are bitter,
and your history lives on.
For we who worked amid you,
will keep you in our heart,
And the link we forged among you,
we will not tear apart.
The traitor and her cohorts,
may long regret this day,
When you were left deserted,
and we were sent away.
And all for what? For vengeance?.
Or profit for the few?.
That you would kill our history?.
Is that what you would do?.
Sleep proudly in our history,
you men of higher soul,
Who lived below the headgear
and worked this nations coal.
Who carried this proud country,
when others shrank in fear,
Sleep proudly Britain`s miners.
You are not the traitor here.
Dedicated to the lost, and highly valued coal - miners and their slaughtered industry.
R.I.P. Mick.
Copyright Mick Westwood.