Mrs. Michelangelo
Mother, daughter, carer, owner of a golden heart
Out of sheer boredom, enrolled in a course on art
Never had any interest before, but a God given talent she had
All she needed was a push, a set of pencils and a sketch pad.
Now her artwork is there for all to see
Soon to be travelling the country, exhibiting in local galleries
Does her sketches, with dignity, grace and feeling
A modern day Mrs. Michelangelo, her sketch pads the Sistine ceiling.
Her subjects are normally men of the coal face, or men of the sea
As you look at the artwork, you sense the passion and humility
A lady who has never been to sea, or into a coal mine has descended
But look at her work, and it has to be applauded and commended.
A woman who is a friend of mine, although we have never met
But ever since viewing the artwork, I have had no regrets
The trawlermen, have the perils of the sea etched on their faces
In the coal miners you can feel, the hurt of the coal faces.
A lady from the North East, her work must be seen to be believed
In such a short time of taking up art, so much has been achieved
After years of caring, and giving total devotion
Now she has found her true life vocation.
A vocation that that digs deep into the soul
Whatever the sketches, be it men of the sea, or men of the coal
This lady never fails
To include the finest detail.
Those of us who have viewed the art, can only look on in awe
As we wonder at the detail, in the work that we saw
Work of such a high quality, that is difficult to find
A true tribute to the workers, on the trawlers and in the mines.
As a proud hardened collier, of many years
This artwork, can still bring me to tears
Artwork, that truly is unique
Artwork that if you own one, please cherish it and keep.
Now as this story comes an end
Please remember the name, and add her as a friend
And if you think this is a figment of my imagination
Please go to the world wide web, and look at artbykarenthompson.
Written for me by Ralph Jones.